[.NET Framework] Removed NuGet targets and project templates for .Net Core 3.x as this platform is out of support now.
Calendar for WPF
Bug Fix
[.NET] Fixed the issue where arbitrary MonthsPanel in MultiMonthCalendar was not allowed.
Chart for WPF
[.NET] Added LegendItemFormat event that allows to customize legend item text.
[.NET] Added legend positions options.
[.NET] Added Axis helper properties such as ActualMin, ActualMax, ActualMajorUnit, and ActualMinorUnit. These properties are useful in chart customization scenarios.
Bug Fixes
[.NET] Fixed the exception issue while removing series axis.
[.NET] Fixed the default Series issue in Histogram.
Core for WPF
[.NET] Improved the conversion to DateTimeOffset.
ColorPicker for WPF
[.NET] Added C1BrushEditor, C1BrushPicker, C1ColorEditor, C1GradientBrushEditor and C1SolidBrushEditor controls.
Bug Fixes
[.NET] Fixed the tab navigation issue for C1BrushPicker and added missing DropDown and ValidationDecorator template parts.
Fixed the transparent text repeat issue from Basic tab when ShowTransparentColor is true.
DataFilter for WPF
Bug Fixes
[.NET] Fixed the issue where ExpandMode property did not work properly in C1DataFilter although setting the Expand property.
[.NET] Fixed the performance issue for summary calculations.
[.NET] Fixed the issue where background color could not be applied on the style of expanded header if setting from HeaderStyle property.
DataGrid for WPF
[.NET Framework] Added DataGridColumnHeaderPresenter.AutoCloseFilter property that keeps the filter drop-down open even after losing the focus.
DateTimeEditors for WPF
Bug Fixes
[.NET Framework] Fixed the C1DateTimePicker issue that updates the date with updated datasource.
Docking for WPF
Bug Fixes
[.NET] Fixed the floating DockTabControl issue that got disappeared when you change the ItemDockMode from Floating to Docked again in C1DockControl.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the issue of closing a Floating window programatically.
Document for WPF
[.NET] Added merging changes from WinForms as copyright changes.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where printing pages was rotating while printing the specific pdf file using PDFDocumentSource.
Fixed the "Value cannot be null: Parameter name: key" error issue where data was not exported as .docx file when loading the specific Japanese string pdf file in FlexViewer using PDFDocumentSource.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the "Index was out of range" error dialog box issue that is shown when PDF file with Range of Pages option is was exported.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the Japanese text issue that was not rendered properly in exported html file.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the merging changes from WinForms.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the Canvas elements issue that wasn't getting rendered properly.
FlexChart for WPF
[.NET Framework] Added LegendItemFormat event that allows to customize legend item text.
[.NET Framework] Added legend postions options.
[.NET Framework] Added Axis helper properties such as ActualMin, ActualMox, ActualMajorUnit, and ActualMinorUnit. These properties are useful in chart customization scenarios.
Bug Fixes
[.NET Framework] Fixed the default Series issue in Histogram.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the exception issue while hiding the chart tooltip.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the zoom behavior issue when data range was changed.
FlexGrid for WPF
Bug Fixes
[.NET Framework] Fixed the Foreground issue of cell elements if it is already set by application.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the rendering issue of Progress bar for the selected cell that becomes black.
FlexReport for WPF
Bug Fixes
[.NET Framework] Fixed the report issue that was not loaded in FlexViewer while loading the specific flxr file using FlexReport.
FlexSheet for WPF
Bug Fixes
[.NET Framework] Fixed the unhandled exception issue when clicked on the Sparkline cell.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the unhandled exception issue when clicked on the cell that includes image.
Grid for WPF
[.NET] [GridControl] Added support for MaxWidth in Star-columns.
Bug Fixes
[.NET] Fixed the FlowDirection issue which if changed runtime did not updated the UI correctly.
[.NET] Fixed the keyboard events issue that allows you to cancel the end of the editing.
[.NET] Fixed the exception issue in layout due to change in star-columns algorithm.
[.NET] [GridControl] Fixed the issue in layout after modifying frozen columns at runtime when there was star-columns in the frozen area.
[.NET] [GridControl] Fixed an exception thrown caused by the editing cell being in two panels at the same time due to changes in frozen columns.
[.NET] [GridControl] Fixed the dragging issue in the row header panel that was throwing an exception.
Input for WPF
[.NET] Added Minimum, Maximum, AllowAdding and AllowRemoving properties and StopsChanged event to C1StopsSlider.
[.NET] Added C1StopsSlider control.
Bug Fixes
[.NET] Fixed the exception issue that occurred when you choose any value from "Show Text" and "Direction" ComboBox in "Displaying Values" and "Direction" pages of GaugesDemo.
[.NET] Fixed the foreground issue that was not changing when a theme is applied in C1TextBox.
[.NET] Fixed the highlight color issue that gets lost in dropdown part when called SelectedItems.Clear() method after selected the item.
[.NET] Fixed the drop-down issue where items were not getting selected properly while item using SelectedItems.Add() method.
[.NET] Fixed the binding issue with CheckedMemberPath that did not update the datasource.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the PlaceHolder issue that was shown while running MultiSelect with items selection.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the HeaderFontStyle property issue for DropDown.
ListView for WPF
Bug Fixes
[.NET] Fixed the NullReferenceException issue that occurred when you click on any ListViewItem next to the item that has no defined content.
PdfViewer for WPF
[.NET Framework] Added PrintDocument(documentName), SaveDocument() and OpenDocument() method for C1PdfViewer that returns True if operation was successful otherwise it returns False.
[.NET Framework] Added red crosses to be displayed in place of images in C1PdfViewer.
PrintDocument for WPF
[.NET Framework] Updated Roslyn dependencies by using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp and Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic 4.6.0.
[.NET] Removed GetEditorControl and GetLabel methods.
[.NET] Changed the default value of PropertySort to "NoSort".
[.NET] Added validation to all CornerRadius properties to avoid negative values.
[.NET] Added support for nested and indexed properties.
[.NET] Improved the loading performance.
[.NET] Improved the look and feel of the control.
[.NET] Added ability of bringing property description from xml documentation.
[.NET] Added font editors.
[.NET] Added PasswordEditor.
[.NET] Added filter feature such as EditorMargin, EditorPadding, EditorBorderThickness, EditorBorderBrush, EditorCornerRadius, EditorBackground, and EditorForeground properties.
Bug Fixes
[.NET] Fixed the alert issue that was shown when an item that is added or moved in the collection throws an exception.
[.NET] Fixed the Menu item issue that was not navigating properly using Up/Down arrow key while context menu is opened in grid.
[.NET] Fixed the unhandled exception issue in CollectionEditor.
[.NET] Fixed the text issue which was not clearly visible in editor when dark themes was applied to PropertyGrid.
[.NET] Fixed the show alert issue that was throwing an exception when an item was removed from the collection.
[.NET] Fixed the Up/Down arrow button and close button issue that wasn't doing any action in CollectionEditor dialog.
[.NET] Fixed the issue with CollectionEditor buttons that was not dimmed when the collection was null.
[.NET] Fixed the disabled button issue whose underlying action could not be executed.
[.NET] Fixed the issue of collection editor that was modified for String, Enum, and primitive types to show a single property "Value" which could be edited.
[.NET] Fixed the removing item issue from collection editor when DataCollection was grouped.
[.NET] Fixed the issue of handling case where CreateNewItem of DataCollection throws exception.
[.NET] Fixed the exception thrown issue that changed ShowResetButton at runtime.
[.NET] Fixed the exception issue in ColorPaletteEditor.
[.NET] Fixed the NullReferenceException issue occurred when scroll vertical scrollbar of PropertyGrid if SelectedObject is bound with FlexGrid.
[.NET] Fixed the solid-color brushes issue that was working with BrushEditor.
[.NET] Fixed the filter text-box issue that had a maximum of 200 characters to avoid huge filtering expressions.
[.NET] Fixed the filter issue that was not being applied when setting the selected-object.
[.NET] Fixed the buttons issue in collection editor that was enabled even if it wasn't possible to perform the action in the underlying data collection.
[.NET] Fixed the CollectionEditorControl issue with reloading item properties.
[.NET] Fixed the removed disabled state issue for collection editor so that the dialog is shown even if the collection is read-only and no items can be entered.
[.NET] Fixed the unhandled exception issue that was thrown if the getter of a property threw an exception.
[.NET] Fixed the layout issue while changing FontSize.
[.NET] Fixed the SelectedItem issue in EnumEditor.
[.NET] Fixed the repeated item issue in FontWeightEditor.
[.NET] Fixed the exception thrown issue when pressing down or up button in collection editor whose collection is null.
Ribbon for WPF
Bug Fixes
[.NET] Fixed the "System.InvalidCastException" issue occurred in System.Private.CoreLib.dll while navigating the View tab of RichTextBox.
RichTextBox for WPF
Bug Fixes
[.NET Framework] Fixed the performance issue while working with big tables.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the performance issue of selecting table cells.
[.NET Framework] Fixed the text entered issue for new line that did not get displayed until a line break is given.
RichTextBox.Ribbon for WPF
Breaking Changes
[.NET] Moved FontFamilyConverter class to C1.WPF.Core library.
Bug Fixes
[.NET] Fixed the Watermark and Button text issue that was not shown in Find and Replace dropdown window when RichTextBoxRibbon was bound with RichTextBox.